Sunday, December 11, 2011
Holiday Break
It's that time of the season again. This time, however, I won't be on and will be at Europe. So that means no WoW time at all (most of my gaming is through desktop and I can't bring that onboard a plane) throughout this time period. However, I should be back around New Years to make a video or two. Until then, enjoy the holidays.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Patch 4.3 and Updates
So far, patch 4.3 is pretty good. We have some people exploit on LFR earlier, but they have been reasonably suspended up to 8 days. Like volka, they apologizes for their "mistake" of getting more gear. Other guilds, such as For the Horde, are finally quitting for a weak excuse they mess upon and plan on moving to another MMO that I'm not going to mention on this blog. Fortunately, I was not part of any of it and played by the rules.
Anyways, the new dungeons are nice, the leveling through Lich King expansion has gotten a lot easier, and the transmog open is pretty interesting. Though, I recommend using it once you're 85. Quite expensive to change to the outfit you want every time your gear changes. The only problem for me is the looting in raids. Strange things like retribution paladins can roll on agility trinkets, DPS druids can roll on both intellect and agility gear (regardless of range or melee).
So far, my feral druid defeated Deathwing in LFR and I'm plan on getting to normals after the holidays. My protection paladin is gearing nicely thanks to the new dungeons. My goblin mage is quickly getting to 85. I'm trying to hit it before Monday. That way, I'll be ready to gear her later this month. My warrior, rogue, and hunter are steadily getting geared, but I stop trying for now on my priest. I'm just not that good with shadow priest. I guess I need to try heals again. I haven't tried it in a while, but hopefully I'm not too rusty. Still, I wouldn't find myself in a raid situation.
Also, I updated my tabs with two new pages. The video section is now my YouTube channel. It'll have various videos from WoW and I'll be popping a few before Monday arrives. It'll mostly be PvE content, but I'm not sure if I'll put some PvP content in it soon. The second section is keys for Scroll of Resurrection. If you're planning on coming back, just hit that tab and click a key. If a key doesn't work or none of them don't, then just comment on the most recent blog post.
Anyways, the new dungeons are nice, the leveling through Lich King expansion has gotten a lot easier, and the transmog open is pretty interesting. Though, I recommend using it once you're 85. Quite expensive to change to the outfit you want every time your gear changes. The only problem for me is the looting in raids. Strange things like retribution paladins can roll on agility trinkets, DPS druids can roll on both intellect and agility gear (regardless of range or melee).
So far, my feral druid defeated Deathwing in LFR and I'm plan on getting to normals after the holidays. My protection paladin is gearing nicely thanks to the new dungeons. My goblin mage is quickly getting to 85. I'm trying to hit it before Monday. That way, I'll be ready to gear her later this month. My warrior, rogue, and hunter are steadily getting geared, but I stop trying for now on my priest. I'm just not that good with shadow priest. I guess I need to try heals again. I haven't tried it in a while, but hopefully I'm not too rusty. Still, I wouldn't find myself in a raid situation.
Also, I updated my tabs with two new pages. The video section is now my YouTube channel. It'll have various videos from WoW and I'll be popping a few before Monday arrives. It'll mostly be PvE content, but I'm not sure if I'll put some PvP content in it soon. The second section is keys for Scroll of Resurrection. If you're planning on coming back, just hit that tab and click a key. If a key doesn't work or none of them don't, then just comment on the most recent blog post.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
So Much Is Too Much
So one of my guild mates (beforehand, I didn't know until we were done) was making a pug raid group and asked if there is an able tank for a Nefarian kill in BWD (Blackwing Descent). Most of the other tanks were not on, leveling their alts, or waiting for Hard Modes. However, I came into the picture with my feral druid Meomeo and accepted the offer. The raid group was soon ported to the instance and I began discussing with the other tank for what to tank. At first, I thought I was going to tank Onyxia and the adds from Nefarian. But then the other tank quickly prefer that he'll do what was mentioned instead (since he had experience with it anyways). Intimidated enough, I was in an unfamiliar territory with tanking Nefarian.
At first, my health was in scary place since I never been use to being this low in health. But after a while, it just felt natural and fun taking his attention. Fortunately, the raid group was able to kill him without too much hassle (in one attempt as well). Funny enough, I think I obtain a tier item from that place and never used it. I think I should since all I got is engineering helmet (which is nice, but I prefer the bonus). I'll try to tank later on for other raids, such as Baradin Hold and The Bastion of Twilight. Hopefully, I'll get geared enough to do Firelands later on (or wait for 4.3 to do the Dragon Soul raid). Either way, more stuff to come for my druid. And even if I don't do so well with tanking, my DPS specc is pretty good.
In other news, my holy paladin Hammerwind has leveled up to 85 recently. Now, I have been trying out healing with her and all it has been doing for me is getting my poor tauren crushed under Alliance's feet 24/7. Every moment, I'm looking at the world in gray scale because I can't heal for nothing and I keep dying very quickly. However, when I switch to my Protection gear and specialization, everything suddenly got calmer for my tauren. There's only been a few moments were I die very quickly. Aside from that, I just been tickling (occasionally helping) the Alliance. At the same time, however, the worse treatment I received was from a warlock in PvE gear and that legendary staff that everyone been getting lately (that blue dragon in the sky is becoming very annoying now). Aside from that, I have been very helpful with a few BGs. Of course though, this is just a few. I bet in many more, it'll be a lot worse. Hopefully though, I should probably live up to my tauren's name.
Now, this next moment has been on my mind lately and it's quite irritating to the point I want to be unprofessional right now. But for the sake of keeping this blog up, I'll be calm and explain the situation. Last night, I was on my shadow priest Wilda while searching a group to do BH before today's reset. I found my first one and tried to sample out that someone was saved. So I went back and forth and suddenly, my computer just gave up on me and froze the game. I was rushing my computer to start up the game again and it was just acting very slow. Eventually, I log back on only to see that I'm out of my group. So I search for another group and it was taking a while. Eventually, someone made one and I joined a second group. The same intro to the scenario of someone being saved happened. However, I didn't disconnected this time and the raid leader eventually found out the saved person. We booted him and finally started to get through the raid zone.
Then we got to Occu'thar. Now, we made two attempts on this dog. First attempt, people were being bad and standing in middle of the area were we suppose to group up and kill adds at. For the uninformed that never did this boss, don't stand in the area were people need to stack up. Otherwise, he focus on a random player and place a lasting AOE on the ground. What's worse is that some people that group up while that AOE was below them just sat there instead of standing near each other. Not only the healer is using even more mana to heal people, but they're most likely dead in a few seconds. Eventually, our DPS was too low since people kept dying and had to retry. However, I'm use to stuff like this because I'm quite patient with bad players during gameplay. But this is clearly not the worse part of this ordeal.
On the second attempt, players were still doing poor, but the job was done. And when I went to check loot, T12 DPS gloves dropped. I was quite happy since there was another priest and she was just heals. But soon, my happiness turn into so much endless rage, that Ragnaros would be afraid of. The raid leader (reading only the Spirit part of the gear) gave it right to the healing priest and said priest disappeared. Gave the poorly-geared healing priest T12 DPS gloves...all I wanted to do was express myself in such reckeless and violent rage to quench this anger, but the best I can do is make inappropriate swearing.
So I learned a very valuable lesson last night. Do my BH runs earlier. Most likely, the smarter players will be trying to get it done as soon as possible. Or worse comes to worse, do my own.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Scroll of Resurrection
I have two US keys for Scroll of Resurrection avaliable. If you need one, just click one of the links below and notify me with a comment that you used one of them. That way, I'll take them off and won't have outdated keys. Hopefully, I'll get a few months out of this and post more scrolls for you to receive. Thank you in advance!
If you want a key, just follow this link here or click the "Scrolls" button above.
If you want a key, just follow this link here or click the "Scrolls" button above.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
...And Somehow I Did.
Strangely enough, I just received a free month subscription via Scroll of Resurrection a while ago and I never knew about it until today. Now, I have three days left on my subscription and need to send another scroll to someone that's coming back to play. I'm not sure what to do to thank you, but if you want to, just comment to after sending me your information at MMO-Champion with a PM. My user name is Renwin if you want to look for me.
Monday, September 19, 2011
I Should Come Back...
I'm already missed playing this game.I probably won't be back as soon as I thought I would. First off, I'll be in England after my school semester ends. So I won't be able to use my good computer and will be sitting out until my next semester, which is the next week. Also, I'm pretty low on money. So even if I wanted to play now, I don't have the reserves for it. So it's going to be a long time before I see any of my characters. I just hope I get a job soon. I'm tired of feeling broke and I could use the extra money in the bank. If only jobs were like candy, I would eat some in a heartbeat.
Nevertheless, when I do come back, I plan on working with my paladin. She was quite useful to me before my subscription went out, so I'll see to it that she gets up to 85 as soon as possible. Also, I heard that Northrend is going to have their experience reduced by a third, so all the better. I'm not coming back super soon, but if I am, that's what I'll do.
Nevertheless, when I do come back, I plan on working with my paladin. She was quite useful to me before my subscription went out, so I'll see to it that she gets up to 85 as soon as possible. Also, I heard that Northrend is going to have their experience reduced by a third, so all the better. I'm not coming back super soon, but if I am, that's what I'll do.
coming soon,
world of warcraft
Monday, August 15, 2011
Post Season
Well, the summer time is coming to a close and I would like to thank the people for coming here and read my blog. I'll probably do another hobby at this time. But until then, I won't be posting here for some time. Also, here are some of my (and others) achievements I think it was worth it:
(I'll keep this site open and update the signatures, but I might post some pictures here and there)
- My hunter and priest (first cloth class I ever raised up) are 85 and are decently geared. Though, my hunter just needs updated gear and I need to work on my priest for Shadow DPS.
- My hunter has a few titles under her name and even has the Twilight Drake from 25-man OD3D.
- I finally raised up jewelcrafting on my priest (it's kinda hard raising that profession up, but it'll be worth it once I come back).
- My druid obtain a couple of more mounts this time around and to the point of getting the 50 mount achievement.
- My druid also gained "Defender of the Shattered World" title.
- My druid is the first toon to be 100% epic from PvE.
- My Horde guild, E s R, officially 25 now.
- I gain some PvP items for my deathknight and rogue.
(I'll keep this site open and update the signatures, but I might post some pictures here and there)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I Told You To Leave!
Yes I did, but not without ninja pulling you before leaving the group. Before you ask why I ninja pulled Kilnara in Zul'Gurub, it was not because I was just being a bad player, but because people accusing me of wiping the whole group on her (the shaman healer got killed by the Wave of Agony and the DK tank decided that popping Army with the adds still alive was a good idea). Well, they can now accuse me of that, but suffering more grief with no payback of any kind. But what can you do. Next time, mainly shamans who thinks I'm just a pushover, I'll make sure of ninja pulling before I leave.
shadow priest,
world of warcraft,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
So I filled the Moonwell...
And this happens:
Apparently, these chains events cause Leyara became Druid of the Flame (and sadly die as one). But it goes to show you that anger can run deep into the family. Quite tragic for a night elf, but she shouldn't hurt Hamuul in the process. Big mistake.
Apparently, these chains events cause Leyara became Druid of the Flame (and sadly die as one). But it goes to show you that anger can run deep into the family. Quite tragic for a night elf, but she shouldn't hurt Hamuul in the process. Big mistake.
new content,
night elf,
world of warcraft,
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Over the span of 4-5 days, I hit 85 on my priest. Man, it was fun around 74-78, but it got a lot more difficult around 83. Feels like anything can melt me if I don't cover my self. But yep, probably be healing for PvE and doing damage for PvP. Well, whatever works for me. Any tips would be nice.
Did an OS3D run a few days back when I was trying to get my priest faster flying with my hunter. Someone was doing the 25-man run and I accepted it. So I try it out and the run was going decent. Did boss, and there were no wipes and I made second on DPS (a boomkin beat me). Then interesting enough, I rolled for mount and I won with a 94. Someone tried to cheat roll and got a 99. They spotted it and gave it to me. Also people kept bribing me to trade with them. In truth, I can always get gold, but I can never get a rare mount. But here it is, and it's all mines.
three drakes,
twilight drake mount,
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Feral Dance
A quick PvP video of Meomeo. Enjoy:
arathi basin,
feral druid,
world of warcraft
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
What's Happening So Far...
Finally got the Dark Phoenix on my druid. Had to get the gold from my shaman and auctioning since I was 2k off, but I got it all in one day. Also, I completed the ZA speed run with a PuG for the first time. Was challenging, but we made it. I didn't get bear, but I wasn't mad. In fact, I was happy that I gotten my agility bracers from there (even got legs too, how rare). Still, I'm looking for better shoulders. I'm getting a little tired of these poor-looking (and poor stats as well) shoulders. Just doesn't fit me afterwards. Next run I guess.
Next moment, I'm in the 40s-45s and other classes are just looting me like a free honor bag. I guess I should stay with PvE for now since PvP is just too random for my priest. Not to mention I can't heal to well in those situations. Just too intense and a lot of people aim for me as soon I cast Renew. But aside from that. Nothing much has happening. Just my usually WoW stuff. Also, a random Worgen moment brought to you by Tungulria:
![]() |
I'm in your Tol Barad Stealing your lights |
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sorry for the delay here. My computer just shut down two weeks ago and before hand I had little interest of getting a post up. However, I'm currently doing fine and I just got my computer to start working again. It was just the power supply unit. I guess it wasn't enough, so I went 400W instead of 350W. It should fair better now. Not to mention I plan on cutting it off for the night so it won't short out the PSU. Also, my subscription ran out again, so I might come back either this week or the next. But I will come back 100% before this month ends.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Zul'Aman > Zul'Gurub
I always liked Zul'Aman since the instance was so much better in mobs and bosses. However, the only boss I don't like is Akil'zon. Previous raid content were raid content for a reason, and making it pick-up group accessible just makes it harder to down it. Although the birds are an nuisance (even added in a "kidnapper" to make it more annoying), people don't seem to know placement when it comes to Static Disruption and Electrical Storm.
Most casters know what to do on Static Disruption by stay away from each other, but since I have melee toons (rogue and feral druid), they're always doomed whenever there's another melee DPS around. Still, we get dispelled and such. Then there's Electrical Storm. Although it's wise to stay apart, some spread too far to the point they can't reach the person with the debuff. It's worse if a kidnapper places a party member somewhere far from the group before the ability is cast upon them.
Aside from that boss, the dungeon is ok. Still can't the mount event down since everyone in my realm wants a caster (after all, this expansion does favor casters a lot in PvE) and have a large item level. Well, maybe when it gets easier or once I get into a good group, I'll be able to do it. The only thing I done for Zul'Gurub is the last boss. I pratically didn't do the other bosses because the Dungeon Finder tends to group me up to people doing the Godbreaker (last boss).
Although this boss is mad easy to do, people still fail at it. The tank doesn't position the boss outside of the Deadzone (or sits out of Deadzone and nearly dies from Shadows of Hakkar; isn't limited to just the tank), people don't down adds in the second phase well (melee has to be catious if their damage output is low because when there's a bunch and you aggro, you're practically dead), breaking the chains too fast or holding the large add for too long. Just simple mistakes that people don't correct after the 5th or 6th time. Some people question my DPS on the fight because it's too low. It's too low because I don't have 3-4 abilities that have AoE capabilities (usually a caster has that many and they complain about me not doing enough). I guess I need to search up when to Fan of Knives, but it's not going to make me climb up the charts.
But yeah, we get him down and usually the item that I want isn't there, so I just enjoy the small amount of valor points I get from it. Hopefully I'll be geared enough once patch 4.2 comes along. Not like I'll do Firelands raids, but it would be cool to do.
Most casters know what to do on Static Disruption by stay away from each other, but since I have melee toons (rogue and feral druid), they're always doomed whenever there's another melee DPS around. Still, we get dispelled and such. Then there's Electrical Storm. Although it's wise to stay apart, some spread too far to the point they can't reach the person with the debuff. It's worse if a kidnapper places a party member somewhere far from the group before the ability is cast upon them.
Aside from that boss, the dungeon is ok. Still can't the mount event down since everyone in my realm wants a caster (after all, this expansion does favor casters a lot in PvE) and have a large item level. Well, maybe when it gets easier or once I get into a good group, I'll be able to do it. The only thing I done for Zul'Gurub is the last boss. I pratically didn't do the other bosses because the Dungeon Finder tends to group me up to people doing the Godbreaker (last boss).
Although this boss is mad easy to do, people still fail at it. The tank doesn't position the boss outside of the Deadzone (or sits out of Deadzone and nearly dies from Shadows of Hakkar; isn't limited to just the tank), people don't down adds in the second phase well (melee has to be catious if their damage output is low because when there's a bunch and you aggro, you're practically dead), breaking the chains too fast or holding the large add for too long. Just simple mistakes that people don't correct after the 5th or 6th time. Some people question my DPS on the fight because it's too low. It's too low because I don't have 3-4 abilities that have AoE capabilities (usually a caster has that many and they complain about me not doing enough). I guess I need to search up when to Fan of Knives, but it's not going to make me climb up the charts.
But yeah, we get him down and usually the item that I want isn't there, so I just enjoy the small amount of valor points I get from it. Hopefully I'll be geared enough once patch 4.2 comes along. Not like I'll do Firelands raids, but it would be cool to do.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
A Quick Update and Patch 4.1
Just letting you know that my rogue ding a while ago. It is take a while to get use to playing a rogue since they're like butter compare to other melee class. It's not an easy class, but I am getting the hang of how they play. This class seem to be weird to play in PvP sometimes. Feels like I'm not hitting certain people hard enough, even casters are a little awkward to kill. Still, I manage to take them down. The only classes I have trouble with are hunters and (Blood) DKs. Hopefully, they won't be too hard to take down when this patch comes up. Speaking of which, here's a preview of the new patch:
Seems like people will be trolling trolls again. Man, I lost count how many times they have been getting killed. It's getting to the point they're wiped out. But anyways, what I'm most interested about are the new stuff and changes coming in. I'm liking the Rogues and Feral Druids changes they got going. Looks like they're going in the right direction of being decent again. However, Warriors are getting some abilties toned down a bit. Colossus Smash loses 50% armor reduction on PvP targets and Spell Reflection went up by 15 seconds on the cooldown. However, Lambs of the Slaughter change is pretty nice. Whenever Mortal Strike lands on a target with Rend, it refreshes the duration. That's actually a good benefit since I usually lose the duration every moment or so and it's kinda irritating if I miss a Rend. Although our Intercept's stun is toned down to 1.5 seconds, that ability and Charge has no diminishing returns, which isn't too bad.
Summary of other classes that I play less often or don't play as, most of Mages abilities are getting toned up, which I'm not surprised but just to be mentioned. Shamans are weirdly getting toned down for Elemental Combat and re-worked a bit for Enhancement and Restoration. Death Knights are getting nice tune-ups with Frost, and some changes for Unholy and Blood (even a Death Knight version of Rebirth). Warlocks have some changes with Affliction and Demonology, but Affliction still seems to be a little iffy in the damage department. Aside from the Priest's dispel toned down, their changes are decent at best. Aside from Feral, Balance is getting toned-down a bit in single target damage and Restoration gains more importance with Tranquility and tune-ups with other Area-of-effects heals. Not sure about Paladins and Hunters though. Didn't care too much about them.
Probably my favorite part about the new changes aside from classes are the honor points being double and using honor and conquest points to convert into justice and valor points. This will make gearing much more easier now. The least favorite would be the Call-to-Arms for Dungeon Finder. Understandable that their should be more (mainly) tanks and healers, but that's pretty much a low blow to damage dealers (mainly pure classes like Mages and Rogues). Not a fair trade off if you ask me, but this is Blizzard game. Overall though, big changes. Some are good, some are bad, but the game might be still enjoyable if you don't let the bad get to you.
EDITED: On the part where it converts PvP points and PvE Points. Yeah, it's only Justice to Honor that's being changed. It's one way for Valor to Conquest. Quite disappointing, but I don't mind since the new feature to get valor is easier now.
Seems like people will be trolling trolls again. Man, I lost count how many times they have been getting killed. It's getting to the point they're wiped out. But anyways, what I'm most interested about are the new stuff and changes coming in. I'm liking the Rogues and Feral Druids changes they got going. Looks like they're going in the right direction of being decent again. However, Warriors are getting some abilties toned down a bit. Colossus Smash loses 50% armor reduction on PvP targets and Spell Reflection went up by 15 seconds on the cooldown. However, Lambs of the Slaughter change is pretty nice. Whenever Mortal Strike lands on a target with Rend, it refreshes the duration. That's actually a good benefit since I usually lose the duration every moment or so and it's kinda irritating if I miss a Rend. Although our Intercept's stun is toned down to 1.5 seconds, that ability and Charge has no diminishing returns, which isn't too bad.
Summary of other classes that I play less often or don't play as, most of Mages abilities are getting toned up, which I'm not surprised but just to be mentioned. Shamans are weirdly getting toned down for Elemental Combat and re-worked a bit for Enhancement and Restoration. Death Knights are getting nice tune-ups with Frost, and some changes for Unholy and Blood (even a Death Knight version of Rebirth). Warlocks have some changes with Affliction and Demonology, but Affliction still seems to be a little iffy in the damage department. Aside from the Priest's dispel toned down, their changes are decent at best. Aside from Feral, Balance is getting toned-down a bit in single target damage and Restoration gains more importance with Tranquility and tune-ups with other Area-of-effects heals. Not sure about Paladins and Hunters though. Didn't care too much about them.
Probably my favorite part about the new changes aside from classes are the honor points being double and using honor and conquest points to convert into justice and valor points. This will make gearing much more easier now. The least favorite would be the Call-to-Arms for Dungeon Finder. Understandable that their should be more (mainly) tanks and healers, but that's pretty much a low blow to damage dealers (mainly pure classes like Mages and Rogues). Not a fair trade off if you ask me, but this is Blizzard game. Overall though, big changes. Some are good, some are bad, but the game might be still enjoyable if you don't let the bad get to you.
EDITED: On the part where it converts PvP points and PvE Points. Yeah, it's only Justice to Honor that's being changed. It's one way for Valor to Conquest. Quite disappointing, but I don't mind since the new feature to get valor is easier now.
new content,
world of warcraft
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
She's Coming Around
Yep, my worgen rogue just hit 80 yesterday. So just five more levels to go and she'll be in the big leagues with super-bads and super-goods. Also, a funny thing happen yesterday. I was playing my druid, and my god it was hard for some reason. Since being a cat is practically being a rogue (and I was leveling my rogue for a while), it was hard doing certain abilities. And I thought my warrior to death knight conversion was bad, but this was worse! Still, I adapted to what I can do and kept going.
Also, I got into BH last night with my druid and got PvP leggings...for healing. They didn't had another druid in the group and I just didn't like to see it go to waste, so I just asked for it and gave it to me. Although I won't sell it, I'll probably not use it either. Still, I should probably become heals one day, but I'm practicing on my worgen from another realm first. Still tricky to do things, but its actually not bad than I thought it was from random rumors. Maybe they're just bads that just spam Regrowth and Rejuvenation 24/7. Still, I wouldn't mind changing at the last minute.
Also, I got into BH last night with my druid and got PvP leggings...for healing. They didn't had another druid in the group and I just didn't like to see it go to waste, so I just asked for it and gave it to me. Although I won't sell it, I'll probably not use it either. Still, I should probably become heals one day, but I'm practicing on my worgen from another realm first. Still tricky to do things, but its actually not bad than I thought it was from random rumors. Maybe they're just bads that just spam Regrowth and Rejuvenation 24/7. Still, I wouldn't mind changing at the last minute.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Training the Puppy
Well, I'm still working on my rogue. Got her up to 67 as you can see above the post (hit the refresh button if you still see the worgen with 55 above her). Make sure to pay attention to that for what I'm leveling or might delete off. I'll try to update it as soon as I'm done with my WoW sessions. Speaking of my rogue, shes starting to get more interesting as I'm leveling her up. I had a few deaths here and there, but I'm just trying to get the hang of fighting heavy-hitting mobs. Characters like Alehs and Meomeo had an easier time taking Netherock back when I was leveling them. But my rogue hits the ground way easier since I don't have a lot of cool downs to migrate all that damage. I guess I'm not Combat specc to handle them (only use Assassination and Subtlety). I'm not sure if I want to be Combat specc since it doesn't seem useful in instances, much less PvP. So I'll just stick with what I have until I hit either Northrend or 80.
Also, sorry about the late update. Was playing a little too much to the point I just forgot about blogging at all. However, I'll try to make up with another post later. Not sure when, but hopefully when I get the time and thoughts for it. Not sure if it'll be another character profile, but I do have a 85 shaman to show you. So maybe later, but stay tuned for it.
Also, sorry about the late update. Was playing a little too much to the point I just forgot about blogging at all. However, I'll try to make up with another post later. Not sure when, but hopefully when I get the time and thoughts for it. Not sure if it'll be another character profile, but I do have a 85 shaman to show you. So maybe later, but stay tuned for it.
burning crusade,
world of warcraft
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Postponed (Video NSFW)
I'm just going to try and wait until the new patch kicks in. I might come in next week if I get some of my real life things in order. But if it doesn't come in the week after next week, then I'm just going to use it at that moment. Also, MMO-Champion has been getting on my nerves lately. Every moment I pop in there, there's always some sort of topic of ganking and how it's bad for people or what solutions to get back at them. It's getting to the point of just poor players not be able to handle themselves whenever they get ganked or not. Reminds me of this video here with the guy complaining over two ganks from his own guild mate. However, the rage does make it funny (also NSFW).
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Coming Soon...
Hopefully, I'll be back this week because I'm planning on getting a time card tomorrow. However, if I don't get one, I'll just get it later this month. I am getting back into the drive of playing the game, but I still have a busy life outside. Aside from that, it's time to plan a course of action of what I'm going to do for two months. It's not a lot of time and I'm not going to return when the time runs up, but I want to set my characters up so I'll be better geared when I return. But for now, here are things that are on my mind:
- Level up a toon: Usually, I have room to level up one toon every two months. I got plans to level out my rogue since she's around 30 more levels to complete. It won't be easy since BC content is up next, but I should manage due to leveling there a couple of times. If I can level her out, then I can try for my lock or a new character on Bloodhoof (for my friend). But primarly, it's mostly to level out my rogue.
- Fine tuning my 85s: As you know, Alehs and Meomeo could use some improvements on their gear. The new patch made me re-think some of their gearing, enchants, talents, and even glyphs. Also, my DK isn't up to spark, so I'm going to work on her as well. I'll try to make a bio of her if I can, but I don't know when I'll post it.
- Deleting toons and refining my UI: Some toons on there was for my other friend that was on another realm, but since he's probably not coming back, I'm going to delete most of them but my main druid on there. Also, another realm of another friend, I'm going to delete everything since that person moved to Bloodhoof. Not to mention I'm going to work on my UI a bit. I'm still going to use Tukui, but going to delete some other add-ons I don't need.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Current Level: 85
Date Created: 11/??/2009
Realm Location: Ner'zhul
Current Spec and Gearing: Feral with Bloodthirsty Set
Description: This tauren was my second toon (first Horde character) to be created and now my primary toon after Alehs. Feeling stressed out from my warrior dying all the time, I went on my druid. I tried to experiment with what I wanted to do with my druid, and Balance and Restoration wasn't for me. But once I keep trying with Feral, I felt like I found my WoW sweet spot for dishing out damage.
In PvP, I died quickly but it wasn't as frequently as my warrior and I could choose my battles a little better. So gaining gear back at 80 was a lot better for my druid than for my warrior. Although I didn't get Wrathful gear during the season, I did obtain most of it when it was free. Of course, no shoulders were available, so I never had them.
In PvE, I advanced very well with gear to the point I eventually had T10 with two heroic pieces. And around late November of last year, I got Kingslayer. I understand that I had the 30% buff, but most of my groups usually don't go that far or we would be stuck at Professor, Blood Queen, or Sindragosa. So it was depressing not being in a good grouping until a good PuG came in to help us. But yeah, Patch 3.3.5 was the prime of my druid.
Class: Druid
Current Level: 85
Date Created: 11/??/2009
Realm Location: Ner'zhul
Current Spec and Gearing: Feral with Bloodthirsty Set
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Description: This tauren was my second toon (first Horde character) to be created and now my primary toon after Alehs. Feeling stressed out from my warrior dying all the time, I went on my druid. I tried to experiment with what I wanted to do with my druid, and Balance and Restoration wasn't for me. But once I keep trying with Feral, I felt like I found my WoW sweet spot for dishing out damage.
In PvP, I died quickly but it wasn't as frequently as my warrior and I could choose my battles a little better. So gaining gear back at 80 was a lot better for my druid than for my warrior. Although I didn't get Wrathful gear during the season, I did obtain most of it when it was free. Of course, no shoulders were available, so I never had them.
In PvE, I advanced very well with gear to the point I eventually had T10 with two heroic pieces. And around late November of last year, I got Kingslayer. I understand that I had the 30% buff, but most of my groups usually don't go that far or we would be stuck at Professor, Blood Queen, or Sindragosa. So it was depressing not being in a good grouping until a good PuG came in to help us. But yeah, Patch 3.3.5 was the prime of my druid.
Then Cataclysm came in and still gave some fun for my druid after I painfully leveled my warrior. However, when I got up to 85, problems began to rise. Since it was very early in Cataclysm, I couldn't really do instances so quickly since most of my guild was on and off (the realm is West Coast, but I'm East Coast; blame my Alliance friend for signing me up there). Not to mention PvP was a severe grind fest. Luckily, the 1800+ honor points came in and support my gearing as well. But all was not too lost in PvE. As of right now, I currently have heroic gearing with 4-5 epics ready to be use. The only problem is that my guild can't pass Magmaw or Halfus when I was active. Every time we died and it only got worse each passing week. So I hung up my poor around February and went back to school.
Hopefully around late April or early May, I'll start playing again and make my druid shine. I know the Great Druid Nerfs were nasty back in February, but I seen some feral druids climbing back the ladder (PvP isn't dead, just a little harder now; can't say the same for PvE though since melee isn't too valuable for most fights). So all hope isn't lost if I play my druid a lot better.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Race: Draenei
Class: Warrior
Current Level: 85
Date Created: 9/??/2009
Realm Location: Ner'zhul
Current Spec and Gearing: Arms with Bloodthirsty Set
Description: I created this character back in mid-September 2009. This was my first character I use for WoW time, mainly for PvP. I had various reasons as to why I wanted a warrior. Mostly, it was to live up to the name a bit. If you spell Alehs backwards and put an "i" between "l" and "a", it's actually Shelia. Shelia was based off of the tank in the Red vs Blue series. The Blue side took the tank in, and did wonky stuff with her to try to corner the Red side. So being blue (Alliance and Draenei), and based off of an in-game specc (Warrior Tank), this was an interesting name for this lady in plate. Sadly though, things change, and she wasn't really a tank nor indestructible. Defeats the purpose referring something that you're not is somewhat awkward.
Around the time I was 80, it wasn't really easy dishing out damage due to my low output. Heck, most of the times I don't really do that much damage with this character due to having a poor weapon. But as soon as I obtain this weapon, it was slowly going up and I was taking down people. Very late in the previous expansion, I never really killed the Lich King (much less get passed Professor due to bad pug groups) and only obtain a few weapons from there. My PvP career wasn't so great either since I didn't went that far with the previous system for arena teams.
When Cataclysm kicked in, I leveled pretty quickly with this character. However, once I reach 85, I nearly abandoned this warrior since she was poorly geared and was practically free honor to anyone that gives me a second glance. Tol Barad Peninsula didn't help that feeling either, but the area did geared my warrior quickly due to the 1800 honor boost that happen around Christmas Break. Eventually, I was able to do some damage upon my opponents. Since this was primarily a PvP toon, I didn't do much with her when it comes to PvE. No raid experience with her yet, but only has been normal dungeons as Fury.
Hopefully, I'll get back into WoW again to probably use her for some PvP action. I wasn't perfect, but I did like hacking and slashing at things close with her. They still need to fix Heroic Leap though. That ability is atrocious.
Class: Warrior
Current Level: 85
Date Created: 9/??/2009
Realm Location: Ner'zhul
Current Spec and Gearing: Arms with Bloodthirsty Set
Description: I created this character back in mid-September 2009. This was my first character I use for WoW time, mainly for PvP. I had various reasons as to why I wanted a warrior. Mostly, it was to live up to the name a bit. If you spell Alehs backwards and put an "i" between "l" and "a", it's actually Shelia. Shelia was based off of the tank in the Red vs Blue series. The Blue side took the tank in, and did wonky stuff with her to try to corner the Red side. So being blue (Alliance and Draenei), and based off of an in-game specc (Warrior Tank), this was an interesting name for this lady in plate. Sadly though, things change, and she wasn't really a tank nor indestructible. Defeats the purpose referring something that you're not is somewhat awkward.
Around the time I was 80, it wasn't really easy dishing out damage due to my low output. Heck, most of the times I don't really do that much damage with this character due to having a poor weapon. But as soon as I obtain this weapon, it was slowly going up and I was taking down people. Very late in the previous expansion, I never really killed the Lich King (much less get passed Professor due to bad pug groups) and only obtain a few weapons from there. My PvP career wasn't so great either since I didn't went that far with the previous system for arena teams.
When Cataclysm kicked in, I leveled pretty quickly with this character. However, once I reach 85, I nearly abandoned this warrior since she was poorly geared and was practically free honor to anyone that gives me a second glance. Tol Barad Peninsula didn't help that feeling either, but the area did geared my warrior quickly due to the 1800 honor boost that happen around Christmas Break. Eventually, I was able to do some damage upon my opponents. Since this was primarily a PvP toon, I didn't do much with her when it comes to PvE. No raid experience with her yet, but only has been normal dungeons as Fury.
Hopefully, I'll get back into WoW again to probably use her for some PvP action. I wasn't perfect, but I did like hacking and slashing at things close with her. They still need to fix Heroic Leap though. That ability is atrocious.
bad gear,
world of warcraft
Monday, March 28, 2011
As Of Right Now...
I'm not actively playing. Now I understand that you may call me silly and telling me you can't say much without an active subscription. Well, there are a ton of things I can still talk about WoW. Like the interesting content that Boubouille posted about the current and future updates about WoW. The plans of what I'm going to do when I get back on WoW. And maybe a few posts about my characters that I played a lot. In fact, you'll probably get to see my first one the next time I post, so stay tuned.
world of warcraft
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Just making a new blog for my experience with MMORPGs, or Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, and especially for a game called World of Warcraft, or WoW for short. I'm going to post here once and a while with screenshots of previous times and posts about the current state of WoW. Most of them won't be too long, but I'll inform you if one of them will be. I hope you'll enjoy my postings and watch this blog. Thank you for visiting! My next post will consist of what I like about this MMO and what's hot and not about it.
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